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How To Get A Clean Web Site Publish

When you are building a web site with NetObjects Fusion you invariable create a few pages that you no longer use and you rename some pages to make more sense or you change your menu bar content around. When you do this, Fusion will keep these old and renamed pages in your web site projects finished HTML folder. You end up with orphan pages and pages that have old menu bars that go no where causing 404 (page not found) errors on your web site.

When you finish developing your web site, you need to manually clean up your site project files and generate all of the pages fresh again. There is no internally way within the Fusion program to do this so you need to use Windows Explorer to accomplish this task.

Delete the CONTNENTS of Local Publish and Preview foldersOpen Windows Explorer and navigate to your named site project folder which is located within the Fusion User Sites folder. If you do not know where this is located go over the gotFusion Where Does Fusion Store My Stuff tutorial.

Open the Preview folder with Windows Explorer and DELETE THE CONTENTS of that folder

Next open the Local Publish folder and DELETE THE CONTENTS of that folder

You will need to open your web site project in NetObjects Fusion. Click on the Publish View Icon then select the Publish Site Icon.

On the Publish Site Palette in the Publish Files To: area make sure that Local Publish is selected from the drop down box. In the Pages to Publish section make sure that Entire Site is selected from that drop down box.

When you press the Publish button, Fusion will create all of the files it needs and place them in the preview folder, from those files it will create your web site again in the Local Publish folder. You will now have a fresh clean web site located within your Local Publish folder. The new web site will contain ONLY those pages that are currently being used by the web site, no orphans, no dead pages, NO PROBLEMS.

The Local Publish folder is your WEB SITE

You should get into the habit of creating a clean publish using this method on a regular basis as it will keep you from having many avoidable problems.

After cleaning off the contents of preview and local publish execute a full local site publish and test your pages

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