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Actions are supported in all versions of IE4 to IE6, and tested by myself with Netscape 4, NS7 and Mozilla 1.3

Lets first look at the resulting action produced by this tutorial.

1. Draw a layout region large enough to hold the action and set its html output to fixed

2. Place a small image and type Click to enlarge just below.

3. Place a larger image next to it.

4. Draw a text box and type some text on top of the larger image

5. Open the Object Tree and name the small image, large image and large text box so that they are easily identified.

6. Select the large image, click the action tab and uncheck initially visible.

7. Preview to browser and you will see the small image and large text box, because the large image is initially hidden.

8. Back in page view, select the small image and click the action tab, then the + for a new action.

9. Set the following 3 items

10. Click the + a second time to create a second action

11. Set the following 3 items

12. Select the large image, click the action tab, click the + and set like this

13. Click the + a second time to create a second action for the large text.

14. Set the following 3 items

15. That's it, you have created a simple action, preview to browser to test!

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