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With Nof, you can create many masterborders and apply them to different pages. A masterborder is simply a border that will repeat its contents on any page sharing the same masterborder. This can also be very useful for multi level navigation.

1. In page view, press F10, then click add/edit ()

2. Click the Add button and select based on default or zeromargin ()

3. Type a name with no space and A-Z and 0-9 only ()

4. Now, the current page will have a new masterborder, meaning you can place anything in this masterborder and it will not repeat on other pages

5. To apply new masterborders to many pages quickly, go to site view and shift click any page you wish to have a new masterborder, select it from the dropdown, click set on all ()

6. To easily identify different masterborders, choose user defined and set colour ()

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