Rogue Formatting In NetObjects Fusion
When you paste text from Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and other software directly into NetObjects Fusion, CSS formatting code will be automatically written to your site without your knowledge. This rogue code will cause your pages to display in strange ways and not as you intended. It can also cause Fusion to crash and exhibit other strange behaviors.
It is recommended when pasting from any external software into Fusion that you use Notepad as a go-between. Example: paste from Word to Notepad, copy from Notepad and paste into Fusion This will strip all formatting and you will have no problems with the display of your site.
If you have Fusion 7 or a newer version, you can use the paste special command and select unformatted text. Using this paste option makes it possible to paste directly into Fusion from any software but you must select this option for each paste occurrence you make.
See this tutorial on how to set Fusion's paste defaults for Fusion 7 and later products. Once you set the programs paste default to unformatted text you no longer have to worry about rogue formating ever again.
How To Remove Rogue Formatting from Fusion 7.5 - 12
Press F9 to bring up the Layout Properties palette.
Press F10 to bring up the Masterborder Properties palette

Fusion 7.5, 8, 9, and 10
To remove the code, click the HTML button on the Layout Properties palette on each page that had text pasted to from any of the above programs. Then delete any code in blue in any of the 3 tabs as seen below!
Go through the same process for each Masterborder that is used on your site.

Fusion 11 and later
Locate the code in the Page HTML palette in both the Layout and Masterborder HTML insert locations and remove all of it

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