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Managing SiteStyles

You can add new styles to the list of available styles, such as those you obtain from your colleagues or those you create on your own. You can also remove styles and create folders to better manage your Style view. SiteStyles are stored in folders labeled with the style name. Text styles and graphic styles are stored separately, and new text styles do not automatically transfer to a new site.

Adding a SiteStyle

You can add a style from any NetObjects Fusion style folder on your hard disk drive, CD-ROM, or LAN, and you can also download online styles. You add styles by first adding a SiteStyle Source in the Style view. A SiteStyle Source is the location where additional styles are stored. Any SiteStyle found at this location will then be available in the Style view. Warning:SiteStyles from earlier versions of NetObjects Fusion do not include all style elements available in NetObjects Fusion 8. If you import an older style, you must update the style to be compatible with the new features. For example, NetObjects Fusion version 3.0 and earlier did not have the rollover style for buttons. Thus, if your style is from version 3.0 you must assign button rollover styles before the navigation bars can display rollovers.  

Managing SiteStyles

To add an online styles source:
1. In Style view, from the Style menu, choose Add SiteStyles
   Source. The Add SiteStyles Source dialog appears.
2. Select Online SiteStyles as the Source Type.
   Click Next.
   Note: You must be connected to the Internet to use this feature.
3. Enter a name for the new source.
   This is the name that will appear in the Style view.
4. Enter the URL of the online style source.
   Click Test to verify the URL entered is valid.
5. Click Finish.
   NetObjects Fusion adds the style source name to the style list.
   The list of online styles is displayed

To add a local styles source:
1. In Style view, from the Style menu, choose Add SiteStyles Source.
   The Add SiteStyles Source dialog appears.
2. Select Local SiteStyles as the Source Type.
   Click Next.
3. Enter a name for the new source.
   This is the name that will appear in the Style view.
4. Type in the path or navigate to the style folder containing the
   styles you want to add.
   The path entered must include the folder where the SiteStyles
   are stored. For example, if your computer stores its styles
   in a folder called "My killer Styles", the path will look similar
   to \SiteStyles\My Killer Styles.
   Warning: If you do not specify the folder where the styles are located,
                   all of the directory contents will be displayed in Style view.
   Click Test to verify the path entered is valid.
5. Click Finish.
   NetObjects Fusion adds the style source name to the style list.
   The list of local styles is displayed Managing SiteStyles

To add a CD style source:

1. In Style view, from the Style menu, choose Add SiteStyles Source.
   The Add SiteStyles Source dialog appears.
2. Select CD SiteStyles as the Source Type.
   Click Next.
3. Enter a name for the new source.
   This is the name that will appear in the Style view.
4. Type in the path or navigate to the styles folder located on your CD.
   The path entered must include the folder where the SiteStyles are stored. For
   example, if your SiteStyles CD stores its styles in a folder called "My Liller
   Styles", the path will look similar to \SiteStyles CD\My Killer Styles.
   Warning:  If you do not specify the folder where the styles are
                       located, all of the CD contents will be displayed in Style view.
                       Click on Find Source to have NetObjects Fusion do an automatic search
                       for the styles or click Test to verify the path entered is valid.
5. Click Finish.
   NetObjects Fusion adds the style source name to the style list.

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