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Overlapping Objects in NetObjects Fusion

Select the form fields, set lablels, and style

Most of the time if you want to overlap a couple of images or bring a text box on top of an image or another object you will see the Fusion red exclamation point overlap warning. When you publish your page the overlapping is tossed apart throwing off your design

In order to get objects to display over top of each other you can draw a layout region to hold the content you wish to overlap. The layout region tool location changed with Fusion 11. Versions earlier than Fusion 11 had the layout region tool as a drop down from the table tool icon. In Fusion 11 the Layout Region tool has its own icon on the toolbar.

Layout Region Tool Fusion 10 and Earlier

Layout Region Tool Fusion 11 and later

Select the form fields, set lablels, and style Select the form fields, set lablels, and style

Layout Region Palette Fusion 11 and Earlier

Select the form fields, set lablels, and style

In Fusion 12 Select HTML 4.01

Choose HTML 4.01 in Fusion 12

Select the Layout Region tool from the appropriate location and draw a rectangle on your page where you wish to display your overlapping objects. On the Layout Region properties palette under HTML Output, select the Fixed Page Layout option from the drop down box.

Now you can select images, text boxes, or any object and over lap them within this layout region and they will display overlapped on your finished web page

You can position the entire Layout Region around on the page without disturbing your overlapping objects that are contained within it.

Select the form fields, set lablels, and style

It does not matter what type of object you use or how many objects you wish to use. As long as all of them are contained within the layout region and the layout region is set to Fixed Page Layout everything you place within the layout region can be positioned anywhere without regard for other objects

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