Issue: You wish to have the top level of every navigation inactive (a place holder only no link)
Step 1:
- Draw a table containing the number of horizontal cells (columns) you will need to hold each section of your menu structure.
If you have a vertical nav bar draw a vertical table with as many rows as your primary menu structure will be
- Set Cell Padding to 0 and Cell Spacing to 0
- Enter the number of Columns or Rows you will need to hold your finished menu structure
Step 2:
Place a separate instance of the Nav Bar component in each cell
Step 3:
Step 4:
Create your menu structure by following the gotFusion tutorial on making Custom Nav Bars
Note: Since the default for the Fusion Nav Bar component is to display the full web site content it is recommended that you create your Nav Bar null link table immediately after you create the Home page and BEFORE you create any pages to avoid having a full Nav Bar (with all child pages) created in your table cells.
If you already have your web site structure completed and wish to add a menu system with all top levels as null links, it is best if you create a zeromargins page using a NEW masterborder and make your menu structure table in that page to avoid destroying your existing layout. When you have finished, copy the table containing the navigation structure to the masterborder of your active web site pages.
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This page was written by and is maintained by turtle