Go to the page that the customer needs to update and click the masterborder
Click add/edit on the property palette, create a new masterborder based on the default and name it customer ( )
Click the autoframes tab and push the left autoframe button ( ) (if your navigation is on the left), if your navigation is on top, push the top autoframe button ( ) While on the autoframe property palette, remove the check mark from "generate html borders"
Leave the layout blank, click the html button on the layout property palette and insert the following zero second redirect code, ( ) make sure you replace anyurl.com with yours, then publish your site
<META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="0; URL=http://anyurl.com/update/index.html">
Create a folder on your server called update ( )
Tell your customer to create whatever in Microsoft Word or Excel, then export the document as html and name it index.html
Teach customer how to upload to server, or install WS-FTP or similar on the customers computer
If using WS-FTP, push the Save Current Folders button, then all the customer has to do is push the > button ( )