Easy Forms Handler... No CGI - FTP Knowledge Needed
Step 1.

Download BNBFORM All-In-One Form Processing Script and unzip the files to a directory on your computer. ( It's Free ! ) a) Create your form in NOF or use this method with any existing form. The form in this example is a very simple form to sign up for a contest. To make it easy to move a form from page to page or site to site, created the form in a table. The table will also keep the form items aligned. b) Be sure you check Table is a Form
Step 2.

The form field for the Name is labeled name and the E-Mail address must be submit_by
Step 3.

Select the table containing the form and click it's Settings Button.
Step 4.

Click the + Button to add the Hidden Fields. The Hidden Fields pass information to the forms handler.
Step 5.

This hidden field is the E-Mail address of the person to receive the E-Mail submitted from the form (YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS). Type in submit_to exactly as above and then for the Value type in your E-Mail address.
Step 6.

This hidden field is the web page that the form will go to after the form is sent. Type in ok_url exactly as above and then the URL.
Step 7.

This hidden field is the order of the information. It is required. Type in data_order exactly as above and then type in the form element names. Double check the names typed here with the name of the form elements, they must match.
Step 8.

This hidden field forces the information to be entered into the form. Type in required exactly as above and then type in the form element names.
Step 9.
Give the form a name. Here it is NameOfForm. Hidden fields are complete.
Step 10.

Go to Assets View ( Assets... New File Asset... ) and add the bnbform.cgi to the Assets. Set to Always Publish File.
Step 11.
You will notice in Publish View that a cgi-bin folder is automatically created by NOF and the bnbform.cgi file is located there.
Step 12.
In Page View, click on the form table and set the Action as cgi-bin/bnbform.cgi Forms Handler is now complete. Publish to Web to test. There are many other options available, see the BNB documentation. Please see the information about "okaydomains".