A new site - Naming Pages
When you add pages to your site layout in Fusion, it's important to use only characters that are "legal" on any web server. In other words, stick to alphanumeric characters. Windows servers don't care about case... UNIX/Linux web servers definitely do. So stick with lowercase for consistency.
Do NOT use spaces or punctuation marks. This is a newbie mistake in an attempt to have banner labels and navbar buttons with labels that use capitals and spaces.
Yes, Fusion will happily take your page name and make it your Page Title, Banner text and Button text on navbars. It will replace the spaces with underscores in the page name itself. That doesn't mean it's a good idea to let it do so.
You'll certainly want more readable labels in your buttons and banners. That's what you use Custom Names for in page properties in Site View.
Already Used Spaces? - Fixing Page Names
The troubles begin when you try and rename and republish those pages with spaces in their names. Fusion will ignore the changes, except in navbars, and you'll end up with navigation that stops working.
To fix the problem (for each page that has spaces in the name repeat the following)
In Site View:
- Copy the offending page by selecting it and pressing Ctrl+C.
- Paste the page back into the site layout by pressing Ctrl+V.
- Rename the copy, fixing the page title and custom names to be what you want.
- Delete the original page.
- Move the new copy into the position of the old page in the site hierarchy
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