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Any browser readable file can replace the content of one of your NOF autoframes. You'd generally do it to replace your Body and you'd keep your master border/s with nav bars intact.

Here are some samples:

Making it work

To make it work in NOF, do this:

For the Layout area you want the external document to replace, paste this into the Between Head Tags area:

<frameset rows="100%,*">
<frame src="WordInBody.htm">

Of course, replace the name of the document in the above code with the name of the one you wish to to be included. This might be a text file, or a pdf file. For instance, for a pdf, it would look like this:

<frameset rows="100%,*">
<frame src="any.pdf">

Note that in NOF, you won't see anything in the Layout area of the page until you see it published.

If the document is to be stored anywhere but in the directory of the server where the originating page is stored, you will need to replace the simple name of the document with a full URL or a relative URL, depending on where it is.

That's it. Good luck!

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