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What is a "Splash" page?

A splash page is an introductory page which appears when someone first visits your site. It may contain a Flash or Swish movie, or simply a company logo or other image. It will have a link to enter your main site.
Ideally, you will only want this page to display once per session - it's annoying for visitors if the splash page reappears every time they click the Home button or link.

My site doesn't have a splash page - how do I add one?

Because you want the splash page to be independent of your main site, it's not simply a matter of adding a new page to your existing site - you need to create a separate site for the splash page, and publish it to the same location as your main site.
Obviously, if you do this, you can't use index.html (or your default home page name) for the main site any more.

What do you mean by "default home page name"?

When you publish your site, Fusion will name the Home page index.html by default. This means that when someone types they will actually be taken to
Most web servers look for index.html if the actual page is not specified - in some cases the default may be different - your hosting company will be able to tell you if this is so.

Here's how to do it:

In the instructions which follow, I'm assuming that your current home page is called index.html (see above).
1. Create a new one-page site which is just your splash page. Make the sure the home page is named index.html

2. Edit your main site to have the existing homepage called, say, home.html

3. Edit your splash page so that it links to (where is the address of your existing site and home.html is the name you gave to the main home page in step (2) above).

4. Re-publish the main site and publish the splash site.

Now, whenever someone types they will see the splash page and can follow the link to your main site.

To access the main site directly, they would type

The advantage of this method is that you can easily change the splash page at any time without having to touch the main site, and the Home button or link will take visitors to the main home page and not the splash page.

To reverse the process, all you need do is to re-publish the main site with the home page set to be index.html
To show how this works, I have done a small example site HERE which shows how it all fits together
(The site will open in a new window - just close the window to return to this page).

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