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You see a question that you know the answer to...  So now what do you do?  Please participate in the Fusion newsgroups. They only work when users like you step up to the plate and help other users with their problems.

  • Avoid excessive quoting: When you respond to a post remember that its entire text is available in the group and everyone has just read it.  If you are only responding to a part of the post only quote that part of the post you are addressing.  If the thread is already over 10k trim all in the quote that is no longer relevant.  Never quote back graphics from the original post.
  • Use Graphics sparingly: It is always helpful to include a graphic of a palette with your answer (a picture is worth a thousand words). If you need to use several images or the graphic is large (over 30k) upload it to your server and include a link to the image in your answer.
  • Be Concise: Make sure to include all of the necessary steps needed to resolve the problem. If the answer is  a workaround that you are proposing explain why it is necessary.  It is always best if you can number the steps necessary to resolve the issue to make them clearer and easier to follow.
  • Give a link to a tutorial: If a tutorial exists that explains how to solve the problem post a link to the tutorial page in your answer rather than explaining how it is done.
  • Give a link to a Knowledge Base solution: Search GotFusion and post a link to the solution that has the steps already listed to do what the user needs to resolve their problem.
  • Request more information: If more information is needed to find the solution ask for specific details.
  • Set Follow-up to a single group: If the message you are responding to has been cross posted to several newsgroups, set the follow-up in your message header to the most appropriate single news group before you send the response.
  • Be friendly and polite: Do not talk down to people, everyone was a newbee at onetime so keep this in mind when answering.  Be pleasant and if the poster has their name in the post address them by name.  Remember that you are answering to HELP the person not to show how much you know.

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