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Editing the blank file

WARNING: Before altering settings backup the
c:\NetObjects Fusion 7\Templates\Auto Sites\ folder & files

It is recommended that you create another template from the blank site.nft file and save it under another name such as new.nft, as explained on the previous page NOT to modify the original blank file.

  • To modify the blank file, select the Fusion menu option File > New Site > From Template and navigate to the Templates > Auto Site > Blank Site folder and select Blank
  • Make the changes you want in site settings browser compatibility, HTML options, backups,
  • From publish view set the publish output if you want it different (by asset type is the default)
  • Check the post publish components you usually use with your sites
  • Add all of the Meta tags to the MasterBorder head that you use such as author, copyright, contact information, etc. so that they appear in all of your web sites when they are created.
  • Associate the new blank site page with the style you want to start every site with in style view. 
  • If you only want one style to show when you create new sites, delete all styles except the one you wish to start with.  This is good for experienced users who create a custom style for their sites as the newly created sites do not carry the overhead of a number of unused styles
  • If you want to have access to all of the site styles in your site list from every newly started web site click click on the Style icon in the tool bar and from the the menu choice Style select Synchronize Style List.
  • Using Windows Explorer go to the Templates > Auto Sites > Blank Site folder and rename the Blank file to Blank
  • Then Export the edited Blank Site to the Templates > Auto Sites Blank Site folder using the name Blank
  • The file will be exported back in the same location (C:\NetObjects Fusion 7\Templates\Auto Sites\Blank Site\). 

Now every time you open a new site you will have all of your normal settings preselected.

You should place all of the META tags that you normally use (copyright, contact, distribution, etc.), your normal CSS settings (size, font, color, etc.), a different default style or a custom empty default style. You can even set the page to open the new site with a zero margins page from page view.  All of the customizations you implemented will be already in all of your new projects, saving you the time to enter them each time.

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