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You've seen a lot of web sites that offer the visitor the opportunity to add the web site to their favorites collection?  This is one way that it can be done within NetObjects Fusion.

What you are seeing on these pages is javascript that calls the site visitors bookmark/favorites dialogue so that they can save your page in their collection of favorites.   If you have a favicon in the root of your site they will also have your icon associated with the bookmark.

If you place this script in the masterBorder you will have a Book Mark this web page link on every page of your web site.


To insert this script you need to draw a textbox where you wish to have the link appear or if you wish it to appear within a line of text select where you want it, then press Ctrl + T (this is the html insertion for all texboxes, tables, and layout regions so anywhere you can use Ctrl + T you can insert this bookmark script).

Copy and paste this simple script into the dialogue box that opens.  If you would prefer you can use this link to dowload this script as a zip file

<script language="JavaScript">
if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' &&
parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4)
document.write('<b><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"javascript:window.external.AddFavorite(location.href,document.title)\">');
document.write('Click here to bookmark this web page</a></b>');
{var msg = "Remember to bookmark this page";
if(navigator.appName == "Netscape") msg += " (CTRL-D)";
// -->


 The Fusion HTML insertion icon  will appear where you have placed this script.

Note:  Bookmark scripts will only work if the visitor is using Internet Explorer.  All other browsers will be promped to manualy bookmark the web site.

This is how it will appear on your web site (you can edit the text associated with the action)


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