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Declaring a JavaScript function is a two step process

If you are going to use the same popup on several pages or if you want to have the Fusion navigation bar component open a new window you should declare a JavaScript function in the MasterBorder <HEAD> then call the function from any or all of your pages that use that MasterBorder. If you are going to use it on just a few pages, make a new MasterBorder based on your Default MasterBorder and apply the New MasterBorder to the pages that need the JavaScript function.

Step #1
  • Write your function in notepad and save it as a text file (or copy the one below and modify it to fit your needs)
  • To get to the Master <HEAD> insertion point you can either right click in the Master Border area and select Master HTML from the option list or click the HTML button on the MasterBorder Properties palette.  If the MasterBorder Properties palette is not shown press F10 to display it
  • Copy and paste your JavaScript function to the Between Head Tags tab (the first tab)
  • Click OK
  • If you will be using the script function only on one page, use the Layout html insert instead of MasterBorder html insert. Press F9 to bring up the Layout Properties palette
Step #2
  • Highlight what you want to be the link (text or image)
  • With a normal text or graphinc link select the External tab on the Link Properties palette Then Select javascript: from the drop down box and enter the function name followed by (). example: popMusic()
  • For a new window from the Fusion menu bar component select Custom then the JavaScript Choice from the drop down box selection click SAVE, then click the Function name in the list and give the link the NAME you want on the button, then click ADD.

Here is a sample JavaScript popup window function:

<script language="javascript"><!--
function popMusic() {'','gotFusion','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,
status=0,menubar= 0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0,copyhistory=0,width=450,height=450,left=0,

The different parts of a JavaScript window open command

Note: This JavaScript example needs to be one continous line of code not broken with returns from the through the top=0');.  Take the above code into notepad and remove all line wraps before pasting to your page

JavaScript pop windows are good to show PopUp photographs or where you need a stripped or custom sized window.

HTML new browser windows are useful for links to other web pages or if you need a fully functional browser opened.

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