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Go to frames codemaker        

Fusion is designed as a rapid development tool. It's autoframes feature makes framing a site extremely easy. But, someitmes, you may want a frameset that the program's autoframes don't provide for.

So... here's how to code your own frames. The instructions below are for the example you will see here. You may want a slightly different frame pattern. I can't detail everything you might want to create, but this case study should point you in the right direction.

Step 1
I made four Zero Margins pages in NOF, like this:

Step 2
On my frames page, I put this in the Head:

<FRAME SRC="border_frame.html" scrolling="no">
<FRAME SRC="menu_frame.html" NAME="menu_frame" scrolling="no">
<FRAME SRC="body_frame.html" NAME="body_frame">
<FRAME SRC="border_frame.html" scrolling="no">

Step 3
On my "border_frame" page: I just gave it this blue background with no other content.

Step 4
On my "menu_frame" page:
I made it 130 pixels wide using the controls on the ruler
I placed the logo and the Frames demo... text
I made the links. If your link text or button is in one frame, and you wish to change the other frame, you will need to target the frame in your link. For example, in my sample "site", the links to the sample pages have this Inside Link...


...since body-frame is the name of the frame I wish to change.

Step 5
On my "body_frame" page: I placed the content.

A wizard
If you need help coding your frames, here is a Frame Code Generator.

That's about it. Hope it's clear.

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