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CSS layout can be very tempting, but many of us have found it unreliable. Not all browsers interpret CSS the same. Also, your layout can be messed up according to how your user has set their Windows preferences eg if they have set Large fonts in their Windows display settings, your beautifully crafted CSS layout will overlap all over the place, even though you used px for your font sizes.

So most of us use Dynamic layout (table based) but with CSS to specify fonts. You don't get as much flexibility, but you can fix your layout so it's not so dependent on browser and user whims.

Go to Tools/Options/Current Site and do this:

Now go to Text/Edit text styles, select each font style in turn and click the Edit button. Specify each to use px font sizing, like this:

It's a good idea to do this to a blank site and save it as a template. Then, when you start a new site, start it from that template instead of just letting NOF open a new blank site for you. That way, you won't have to go through this process for each new site you make.

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