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A frequently asked question is: "How can I size the browser window to 800 x 600 when users visit my site?" - like in this demo or this.

To autosize the window, put this code in the Head of the page you want to size:

<script language="JavaScript">

var myW = 800;
var myH = 600;

Xpos = (screen.width) ? (screen.width-myW)/2 : 0;
Ypos = (screen.height) ? (screen.height-myH)/2 : 0;



Change the dimensions (myW and myH) to suit yourself.

This might annoy some people. It could be a good idea to give them the choice to size their browser or not. You may want to add a link to allow them to do so. To do this, you'd turn the above script into a function and call it with a link.

To make your window user sizeable, put this in the Head:

<script language="JavaScript">

function sizeWindow() {

var myW = 800;
var myH = 600;

Xpos = (screen.width) ? (screen.width-myW)/2 : 0;
Ypos = (screen.height) ? (screen.height-myH)/2 : 0;




Then call it with a Javascript link:

See demo.

That's it.

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