Making an New Index Page In Fusion
- In versions of Fusion before version 7, if you wanted to make a different page in your site to replace the existing "home" page, you could not do it easily. Basically, the old process involved deleting all the content on the home page, and using copy-paste to place different content on the page.
- Now, you can create a new "home" page anywhere in your site structure or make any page in your site structure the new home page with a single drag-drop operation in Site View. Just left click and hold on the page you wish to make your new home page and drag it above the existing home page. When you see the red arrow above the old home page just let go of your left mouse button and that page will be above the old home page and be your new home page. You will need to edit the page title, banner, and text buttons to reflect this new home page. See this gotFusion tutorial on how to change the banner, nav bar text, and page title. You can then just copy and paste the content from the old home page into the new home page.
- If you retain the old home page below the new one, you will need to adjust your site structure so that your navigation functions as it did before but it is best if you just delete the old home page, then all child pages will automatically move up under the new home page and the site will be exactly as it was before.

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