NetObjects Fusion has a very powerful, built in website navigation component that comes with the product. By default every newly started web site has a banner a graphic navigation component, and a text navigation component placed on the initial page.
By default the Nav Bar component is set up to show your home page, the first level of your site structure outline, and to display child pages when a visitor is on the parent page. The default setting includes highlighted buttons (uses the highlighted state on the page the user is currently looking at) and to use rollover buttons.
The default setting uses the currently selected button graphics that are located in the current site style in use.
The default layout of the Nav Bar is Vertical (up and down)
All of these settings can be changed at anytime.
The display of a site project's navigation is based on the layout/orientation of the pages in Site View. So by doing no more than using the standard Nav Bar component in its default configuration every page of a site project will be assessable by site visitors without any changes necessary.
With a web site like the example on the right and using the Fusion default Nav Bar settings the web site navigation will be like the one described in the Site View structures tutorial.
The Fusion Nav Bar component has several additional options available, one of which is to use JavaScript fly out sub menus for child pages. This is where the child sub pages fly out from the main menu bar instead of being part of the static menu display. When ever a visitors mouse hovers over a menu button that has child pages, an additional menu will "fly out" allowing the visitor to have access to those pages.
You can choose which type of display you wish the Nav Bar component to use by clicking the drop down arrow next to the Type selection box.
The choices are:
1) Use the Primary buttons in the Current Site Style. 2) Use the secondary buttons in the current Site Style. 3) Use text in place of a graphic to display the menu navigation
By using the drop down arrow beside the Site Structure levels you can select what will be displayed on the Nav Bar buttons. The default is the First Level or the row of pages directly below your home page in Site View. Other options are Parent Level, which is the row of pages directly above the location of the current page in Site View. The Current Level or all of the folders that occupy the same row as the page you are on in Site View. Child Level or all of the pages that are one level below the current page in Site View.
By creating separate MasterBorders and selecting different menu display options you can have unlimited flexibility in site navigation with this component. You can also create separate menu structures in your layout area to provide access to certain pages from a separate area outside of the primary menu structure.
By selecting the Background Tab (the 2nd tab) and ticking the Other radio button, you can select different button graphics from any of the site styles that you have installed on your computer. This selection will be used in place of the default graphics in your selected Site Style. The Button style area is where you can un-select the use of highlighted and rollover buttons.
The Background tab is also where you select a background color to the Nav Bar area or add a boarder around the Nav Bar area or add spacing between the buttons.
You can use this graphic selection feature to create a custom style outside of style view by mixing and matching different graphic buttons to your selected site style
On the Advanced tab or 3rd tab of the Nav Bar properties palette you will find the options for the display of the Child Pages. You can use the primary or secondary graphics or select graphics from any other site style you have installed on your computer.
The graphics used for the JavaScript fly out menu are also selected here and you have the same primary, secondary, or any other graphic from any style on your computer
You can set the target for all links from your menu from the drop down arrow under Nav Bar target.
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This page was written by and is maintained by turtle