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This page is designed to show you how to use both Dynamic HTML and Fixed Page HTML on the same page with NetObjects Fusion.

The main page layout (this page) is set to Dynamic HTML and the Tables are set to Rows.

The Table on this page (see below) follows the Dynamic HTML Output. BUT, the graphics you see on the right of this table are contained inside a layout object that is set to Fixed HTML - Tables Column.

Why? Well, I wanted to "stack" the graphics on each other to demonstrate attention to a specific object which I can't do using Dynamic and I did not want to make my entire page Fixed to avoid browser viewing issues.

Generally IE 4+ and NN4+ browsers can view fixed html pages correctly. Older browsers will view the pages, but with unpredictable results.
<SAMPLE TEXT> You've found the place for all things Fusion. You'll find this site filled with Fusion resources and information, gathered from every source that we could find Make Us your first link for Fusion Help worldwide.

If you don't find what you're looking for here within this site, you'll probably find that we have a link to it. With '' as global center for Fusion MX and Fusion 7, you'll want to make us your first link for Fusion help. This is the place where the help is for Fusion users, by Fusion users.

Our Team of volunteers has put together the most comprehensive site that we could. Combining the skills of all the Team NetObjects members, taking advantage of their talents and creativity, to offer even beginning Fusion users much more than just advice on a piece of outstanding web design software. You'll receive the benefit of knowledge, understanding and experience contained in this site. This global Fusion community will make you change the way you think about software support.

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                                     Dynamic HTML Format with a Fixed HTML Layout added

See Also:

  Using HTML Output
  HTML Layout Using Combos
  HTML Layout All Dynamic
  HTML Layout  All Fixed



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