Uses complex hidden tables to achieve the highest level of layout accuracy across browsers
You get relative placement of your content as you designed it in Page view with relative spacing preserved regardless of the site visitor's display configuration
You can prioritize the vertical relationship between objects so site visitors are more likely to see the pages as you designed them, regardless of their local browser, font, and display configurations.
Pages can be viewed in most browsers that support the 3.2 HTML specification, including Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 or higher and Netscape Navigator 2.0 to 4.x
Requires complex code, which can take longer to download.
The Regular Tables Layout Pros
Fusion translates each page Layout or Layout Region into a single HTML Table with rows and columns., and places your content into table cells. If text content expands because of a browser font setting, it's table row expands with it, and the content below it on the page is moved down.
Use this setting when you:
When you want pages to display successfully in older versions of some browsers.
Use many tables or layout regions as containers and want to simplify the HTML output.
Include objects with actions on the page, and you choose not to use Fixed Page Layout as the output method
Embed certain JavaScript code that will not work with Dynamic Page Layout
Gives up a great deal of accuracy in reproduction of pages across browsers; non-uniform variations due to site visitor's browser settings.
The Fixed Page Layout Pros
Fixed page layout uses cascading style sheet positioning, layers, or both to achieve a high level of layout accuracy. NetObjects Fusion determines which of these options are applicable based on how you set up your Browser compatibility in the Site settings dialog. When you choose Fixed Page Layout, Fusion expresses the location of content in terms of absolute positioning.
For Example: Instead of using HTML workarounds such as empty table rows and transparent gifs to position a line of text below the top of the page, the absolute positioning supported by Fixed Page Layout defines placement of the text box as specific distance from the top left corner of the page in a simple statement of x,y coordinates.
Pages are typically more compact and download faster than table-based HTML pages
You can overlap objects in Layouts or Layout Regions
You get consistent results with pages containing actions
There is some risk for text-rich pages. If a Fixed Page Layout page is viewed in a browser with large font settings, the text boxes expand without regard for other objects on the page, which can result in unplanned overlapping of objects. BUT you can you a combo page - to avoid much of this issue. Refer to HTML Layout - Using Combo Dynamic and Fixed HTML Output.
Fixed Page HTML output generally can only be viewed accurately in Internet Explorer 4.x or Netscape Navigator 4.x or above.