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Things to do before you upload

  • Always optimize your Local Publish\Assets\Images\Autogen graphics. When Fusion creates your Banner and NavBar button graphics, the files are much larger than they need to be.

    We at highly recommend Ulead SmartSaver Pro for this task. You can reduce the file size of your NOF Banner and NavBar Button graphics by 40 to 60% with just a few mouse clicks in SmartSaver Pro.
  • Always test your locally published site in various browsers.

    This allows you to fix any problems before your site users run into them.

Upload your site files

  1. CuteFTP Pro makes transfering your files to your server easy, fast, and reliable.
  2. If your CuteFTP Pro setup is correct, all you do is this:
  3. Click on your local Drives tab
  4. Press CTRL+A to select all
  5. Select File, Upload (CTRL+PageUp).

Watch the Queue Window for the upload progress. If errors occur, just re-upload the file(s) that had problems.

Using CuteFTP Pro's Synchronize Feature

The Synchronize feature automates your site maintenance. It can both upload new content and remove old files that are no longer in use.

  • WARNING: You must only use Synchronize when you have done a Local Publish of your entire site. Otherwise, you will delete site files still in use. (Hint: that would be a bad thing...)

To use CuteFTP Pro Synchronize:

  1. Local Publish
  2. Optimize your \autogen graphics
  3. Test your site thouroughly
  4. Connect to the server in CuteFTP Pro.
  5. Select Tools, Synchronize

Start Synchronize Start Synchronize
Start Synchronize Start Synchronize

Set your Synchronize dialog options.

  • Your local publish folder is the local path, the web root of your site is the remote path.
  • Ensure that you Mirror Local to Remote, (NOT the other way around)
  • If you are 100% confident that your Local Publish site is correct, you can uncheck always prompt before deleting to save some mouse clicks
  • Click the Start Now button
  • Watch the transfer window and respond to any prompts.

Syncronize Settings Syncronize Settings
Syncronize Settings Syncronize Settings

Need a copy of CuteFTP Pro?

Members of the gotFusion Users Group get a 10% or 15% discount on CuteFTP Pro in the gotFusion Store. (Your discount will be applied when you finalize your purchase in the gotFusion Store).


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